Give Me Your Holiday Traditions!

Kelly Hood - RN, BSN
3 min readNov 29, 2021

Whether with family, friends, or alone, holiday traditions may improve your health. What are some traditions you hold dear? Don’t have any? Read on to get some inspiration for NEW tradition ideas.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

With the holidays approaching, people can be filled with a broad spectrum of feelings; joy, anxiety, anticipation, dread…feelings around this time of year may run the gamut. Whether you grew up surrounded by happy traditions or totally lacking any memorable rituals, it isn’t too late in life to start traditions which could have a positive impact on your wellbeing.

Scientific American reported on a series of studies based on the responses of online participants. These studies focused on rituals performed with families around Christmas, New Year’s and Easter. Participants who said they engaged in rituals with their families reported that because of these, the holidays were more interesting, and therefore more enjoyable. The types of rituals, whether attending religious services, eating special meals, etc., did not seem to affect enjoyment, but the number of rituals did. The study could not measure causality, so it is uncertain whether traditions increase enjoyment of the holidays, or if those who like the holidays engage in more traditions. However, enjoyment ratings were higher when given after hearing a description of rituals, as opposed to before hearing the description.

If you don’t have traditions that are special to you, it’s okay to start some now!

The beauty of this situation is that the world is your oyster. The tradition can be completely your design. If you’re not close with your family, involve your friends or neighbors. Your new tradition can be anything- baking cookies with your best friend, inviting a single neighbor to join you in serving meals at a shelter, having a seasonal movie marathon, Friendsgiving- the possibilities are endless. While not necessary, it can be especially fulfilling to have your new, custom-made tradition include serving others. Whatever you decide to do, remember that it should be fun, special, memorable, something you’ll want to repeat year after year.

Photo by Aleisha Kalina on Unsplash

I have always loved the holidays and am blessed to have lots of special traditions with family. One that’s very dear to me is the day each year when my Mom and I go Christmas shopping together. I also love Christmas Eve service at my church. Whoever wishes to can come up at the end of the service, get sheet music and sing the Hallelujah chorus. It has become one of my favorite holiday rituals. And for me, the holidays are not complete without Bake-a-palooza. Bake-a-palooza is when I bake an obscene number of cookies and deliver them to my neighbors and loved ones. I would love to know your experience of holiday traditions. How do you feel this time of year? What is a favorite tradition of yours? If you don’t have one, what is an idea for a custom-made ritual? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Thank you and Happy Holidays.



Kelly Hood - RN, BSN

RN, BSN with experience in Emergency, Hospice, and Pediatrics. Passionate Christ-follower, writer, traveler, home cook/baker, animal lover. IG: kellyhood_rn